
The RabbitMQ Java client library allows Java applications to interface with RabbitMQ.


MD5 5e38c92518491d52bcb83ad9c09d508b
SHA1 031e2da50ee67cd723ab151b3cafafa40d0c1bef
SHA256 505842aed55c41976bb6989cf9f4dbf343e0206099f3d49b3c59045df4c090eb
SHA512 102dab3819402d45d0aa7731eaf27ffb482e30bc92c16f9a09dfebdfe9746c960d2f7401df604e10eba4f8f0ef5f07ac3389f02e5fc14c84356dbfc86111d82c


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">


  <name>RabbitMQ Java Client</name>
  <description>The RabbitMQ Java client library allows Java applications to interface with RabbitMQ.</description>

      <name>ASL 2.0</name>
      <name>GPL v2</name>
      <name>MPL 1.1</name>

      <name>Team RabbitMQ</name>
      <organization>Pivotal Software, Inc.</organization>


    <name>Pivotal Software, Inc.</name>




    These groovy scripts are used later in this POM file to generate
    source files and resources for the library itself and for the

    ${deps.dir} should point to a directory containing a working copy of
    rabbitmq-codegen and rabbitmq-server, named "rabbitmq_codegen" and
    "rabbit" respectively.

    "rabbitmq_codegen" is used to generate required Java source files.
    Its path can be specified with the ${codegen.dir} property instead.

    "rabbit" is used to automatically setup a RabbitMQ cluster for the

    <!-- For testing only -->



    <!-- to sign artifacts when releasing -->

      If we detect the RabbitMQ Umbrella project, use its dependencies

      <!-- On FreeBSD, GNU Make is installed as "gmake". -->

      <!-- On Windows, use the Batch version of rabbitmqctl. -->

      Java 8's Javadoc is way more sensible to documentation
      correctness. For now, disable all those errors until we fix them.

      We need this option in Java 11+ to avoid an
      extra 'undefined' segment in the URL

      To ease testing of the Java client, this POM can setup a RabbitMQ
      cluster automatically, including TLS support.

      It depends on the presence of ${rabbitmq.dir} which points to
      a working copy of the rabbitmq-server Git repository. If it
      is missing, nothing is setup and the testsuite relies on an
      externally provided broker/cluster.

      If you want to explicitly disable the automatic cluster setup,
      you must disable this profile:

          mvn verify -P '!setup-test-cluster'

              We use "${rabbitmq.dir}/Makefile" to query the location of
              the test TLS certificates.

              Start two brokers and cluster them.

              Currently, those test brokers will listen to the default
              TCP ports of 5672 and 5673 for AMQP and 5671 and 5670
              for AMQP+TLS. Unfortunately, this means no other standard
              RabbitMQ can run on the same host at the same time.

              After the testsuite, no matter the result, stop both test brokers.

          Generate two Java keystores from the test TLS certificates.
          Here, we only enable the plugin. The actual configuration is
          in the main <build /> element.

      If the caller decided to provide an external RabbitMQ
      broker/cluster, he can specify the path to his test TLS
      certificates with the ${test-tls-certs.dir} property.

      Thus, if the CA certificate exists, we also enable the generation
      of the two Java keystores.

      Tests are integration tests, not unit tests, because they depend
      on a running broker which can be automatically started by this

      To skip those tests, you can run use the usual ${skipTests}

          mvn verify -DskipTests



                needed because of bug in OpenJDK 8 u181 on Debian distros

      Profile to activate the NIO mode in the test suite:
      mvn verify -P use-nio
                needed because of bug in OpenJDK 8 u181 on Debian distros

      The "ossrh-release" Maven profile is used to push release artifacts to a
      Sonatype staging repository.


      The "bintray-release" Maven profile is used to push release artifacts to the
      Bintray Release Maven Repository.


      The "milestone" Maven profile is used to push release artifacts to the
      PackageCloud Milestones Maven Repository.







    <!-- We store the client version in a Java properties file. -->

    Those resources are a Java properties file and RabbitMQ
    configuration files for the test brokers.

          Generate Java source files from specifications found in
          ${codegen.dir}. The groovy script is used as a "proxy"
          to execute a Python script with the proper arguments and

          We always remove the generated Java keystores because
          keytool(1) complains if the destination file already exists
          with the content we want to import.



      Disable the unit tests plugin because we only have integration

      <!-- Generate two Java keystores for the SSLTests testsuite. -->


                <Specification-Vendor>AMQP Working Group (</Specification-Vendor>





