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last updated: Mon 08/19/19 at 06:03:31 PM bynetdata
Netdata binary distributions, development repository 
Welcome to Netdata's development home for packaging infrastructure. We'll be releasing binaries in both RPM and DEB formats to make installing Netdata even easier on a variety of distributions. Read more about this move toward a common infrastructure for binary distrubiton in our v1.16 announcement post.
If you're interested in the very latest binaries from Netdata, visit our nightlies repository.
If you're interested in our latest stable binaries , visit our stable repository.
These binaries are considered beta products for now, and we're working hard to improve them and expand the distributions we support as fast as we can. Stay tuned and enjoy!
The Netdata documentation is available at You can also find it inside the Netdata repository.
Your repository is empty!
Put some packages in it like this:
- Install the package_cloud gem: gem install package_cloud.
If you don't already have ruby and rubygems installed, click here for instructions. -
Run package_cloud push netdata/netdata-devel /path/to/your/package
(You may have to enter your email address and password if you haven't used the gem before.) - Refresh this page and you should see your package.