YUM GPG keys
NOTE: If you installed pagerduty/rundeckpro with our Bash script, Chef cookbook, or Puppet module the GPG key is automatically installed. There is nothing additional you need to do.
GPG signature info
pagerduty/rundeckpro has its YUM metadata signed with pagerduty-rundeckpro-60BBF1D4353DBBBC.pub.gpg.
Important notes
There are two types of GPG keyrings used on RPM-based systems:
- RPM's GPG keyring. This keyring is used for verifying signatures on RPM packages.
- YUM's GPG keyring. This keyring is used for verifying signatures on repository metadata. There is one keyring per repository on the system.
The YUM GPG keyring (number 2 above) is the keyring that the information on this page refers to.
Import GPG key for pagerduty/rundeckpro
To import a GPG key to verify YUM metadata, you must create a repo config with the GPG key URL. This is done automatically with all of our install methods.
If you'd like to do this manually for pagerduty/rundeckpro, follow the instructions on the manual install page
Remove GPG key for pagerduty/rundeckpro
Unfortunately GPG key removal is not particularly user friendly.
- Check your
file and note the value of persistdir
. If persistdir
is not set, you can assume it is /var/lib/yum
- Determine which CPU architecture the repo has been installed for: i386 for 32-bit systems and x86_64 for 64-bit systems.
- Determine the verison number of the CentOS or Red Hat you are running (5, 6, or 7).
- Replace x86_64 and 7 in the following command with your CPU architecture and CentOS or Red Hat version:
gpg --homedir /var/lib/yum/repos/x86_64/7/pagerduty_rundeckpro/gpgdir --delete-key 60BBF1D4353DBBBC
APT GPG keys
NOTE: If you installed pagerduty/rundeckpro with our Bash script, Chef cookbook, or Puppet module the GPG key is automatically installed. There is nothing additional you need to do.
GPG signature info
pagerduty/rundeckpro has its APT metadata signed with pagerduty-rundeckpro-60BBF1D4353DBBBC.pub.gpg.
Import GPG key for pagerduty/rundeckpro
- Ensure you have curl installed:
sudo apt-get install curl
- Ensure you have GPG installed:
sudo apt-get install gnupg
- Add the GPG key:
For versions equivalent to or later than Debian/Raspbian Stretch, Ubuntu Xenial, Linux Mint Sarah, Elementary OS Loki:
curl -fsSL https://packagecloud.io/pagerduty/rundeckpro/gpgkey | gpg --dearmor > /etc/apt/keyrings/pagerduty_rundeckpro-archive-keyring.gpg
For versions equivalent to or older than Debian/Raspbian Jessie, Ubuntu Wily, Linux Mint Rosa, Elementary OS Freya:
curl -fsSL https://packagecloud.io/pagerduty/rundeckpro/gpgkey | gpg --dearmor > /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/pagerduty_rundeckpro.gpg
- For versions equivalent to or later than Debian/Raspbian Stretch, Ubuntu Xenial, Linux Mint Sarah, Elementary OS Loki - specify the GPG key in the /etc/apt/sources.list.d entry, as below. All older versions do not require the signed-by option.
deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/pagerduty_rundeckpro-archive-keyring.gpg] https://packagecloud.io/pagerduty/rundeckpro/<os> <version> main
deb-src [signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/pagerduty_rundeckpro-archive-keyring.gpg] https://packagecloud.io/pagerduty/rundeckpro/<os> <version> main
Remove GPG key for pagerduty/rundeckpro
For GPG keys stored in /etc/apt/keyrings:
- Remove the GPG key:
sudo rm /etc/apt/keyrings/pagerduty_rundeckpro-archive-keyring.gpg
For GPG keys stored in /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d:
- Remove the GPG key:
sudo apt-key remove 60BBF1D4353DBBBC
- You will see the output "OK" when complete. You can verify the key has been removed by running:
sudo apt-key list
List all GPG keys known to APT
- List all GPG keys known to APT:
apt-key list