Installation instructions
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Join thousands of developers using packagecloud to distribute software securely, consistently, and affordably.
Bash Scripts
curl -s | sudo bash
curl -s | sudo bash
curl -s | bash
Are you using virtualenv?
curl -s | bash
Are you using Bundler?
curl -s | bash
Manual Installation
If you'd prefer to install your repo on your system manually, follow the instructions below. If you feel something is missing or just want more info, don't hesitate to get in touch.
Begin by refreshing your package cache by running
sudo apt-get update
If you are running Debian, install debian-archive-keyring so that official Debian repositories will be verified (Ubuntu users can skip this)
sudo apt-get install debian-archive-keyring
Ensure the required tools (curl, gpg, apt-transport-https) are installed before proceeding:
sudo apt-get install curl gnupg apt-transport-https
In order to install a deb repo, first you need to install the GPG key that used to sign repository metadata. This will change depending on whether or not your apt version is >= v.1.1. You can check this by running:
apt -v
For apt version >= v1.1:
(Equivalent to or later than Debian/Raspbian Stretch, Ubuntu Xenial, Linux Mint Sarah, Elementary OS Loki)
Create the directory to import the GPG key:
From apt v2.4.0,
is the designated directory for administrator imported keys. We will be using that for the following instructions, but you can replace/etc/apt/keyrings/
with any path of your choosing. If you need to create the directory, run:mkdir -p /etc/apt/keyrings/
Then add the GPG key:
curl -fsSL | gpg --dearmor > /etc/apt/keyrings/willgarcia_start-stop-daemon-archive-keyring.gpg
Create a file named
that contains the repository configuration below.Make sure to replace ubuntu and trusty in the config below with your Linux distribution and version:
deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/willgarcia_start-stop-daemon-archive-keyring.gpg] trusty main deb-src [signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/willgarcia_start-stop-daemon-archive-keyring.gpg] trusty main
For apt version < v1.1:
(Equivalent to or older than Debian/Raspbian Jessie, Ubuntu Wily, Linux Mint Rosa, Elementary OS Freya)
Add the GPG key:
curl -fsSL | gpg --dearmor > /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/willgarcia_start-stop-daemon.gpg
Create a file named
that contains the repository configuration below.Make sure to replace ubuntu and trusty in the config below with your Linux distribution and version:
deb trusty main deb-src trusty main
Valid options for os and dist parameters can be found in our support OS list in the docs.
Run this command update your local APT cache:
sudo apt-get update
You can now install packages from your repository.
Install pygpgme, a package which allows yum to handle gpg signatures, and a package called yum-utils which contains the tools you need for installing source RPMs.
sudo yum install pygpgme yum-utils
Note: 'pygpgme' package installation is only required for RHEL versions earlier than 8 (< 8).
You may need to install the EPEL repository for your system to install these packages. If you do not install pygpgme, GPG verification will not work.
Create a file named /etc/yum.repos.d/willgarcia_start-stop-daemon.repo
that contains the repository configuration below.
Make sure to replace el and 6 in the config below with your Linux distribution and version:
[willgarcia_start-stop-daemon] name=willgarcia_start-stop-daemon baseurl=$basearch repo_gpgcheck=1 gpgcheck=0 enabled=1 gpgkey= sslverify=1 sslcacert=/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt metadata_expire=300 [willgarcia_start-stop-daemon-source] name=willgarcia_start-stop-daemon-source baseurl= repo_gpgcheck=1 gpgcheck=0 enabled=1 gpgkey= sslverify=1 sslcacert=/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt metadata_expire=300
Valid options for os and dist parameters can be found in our supported OS list in the docs.
Update your local yum cache by running
sudo yum -q makecache -y --disablerepo='*' --enablerepo='willgarcia_start-stop-daemon'
You can now install packages from your repository.
Add the repository as an npm registry
To install node packages from this repository, you'll need to configure it as a registry.
npm config set registry
Using Yarn?
After a repository is configured as an npm registry it can be used by yarn to resolve packages. Once configured, add packages to a project using yarn add
Verify a repository is configured correctly by running yarn config list
and making sure the registry url is set correctly.
yarn config list
... info npm config { registry: '' }
Transparent auto-proxying
When you install a package using npm install
, the npm
program will automatically
attempt to install any dependencies required by the package. If those dependencies are not found in your
packagecloud repository, packagecloud will automatically forward requests for those missing dependencies to the official
npm public registry.
This is the default behavior and is recommended for most users.
To learn more about this behavior and how to disable it, take a look at our documentation.
Create a file named /etc/zypp/repos.d/willgarcia_start-stop-daemon.repo
that contains the repository configuration below.
Make sure to replace el and 6 in the config below with your Linux distribution and version:
[willgarcia_start-stop-daemon] name=willgarcia_start-stop-daemon baseurl=$basearch enabled=1 repo_gpgcheck=1 pkg_gpgcheck=0 gpgkey= autorefresh=1 type=rpm-md [willgarcia_start-stop-daemon-source] name=willgarcia_start-stop-daemon-source baseurl= enabled=1 repo_gpgcheck=1 pkg_gpgcheck=0 gpgkey= autorefresh=1 type=rpm-md
Valid options for os and dist parameters can be found in our supported OS list in the docs.
Update your local zypper cache by running
zypper --gpg-auto-import-keys refresh willgarcia_start-stop-daemon zypper --gpg-auto-import-keys refresh willgarcia_start-stop-daemon-source
You can now install packages from your repository.
Add the repository as a source
To install gems from this repository, you'll need to add the repository as a source.
gem source --add
Using Bundler?
Add the repository to your Gemfile
To install gems from this repository, you'll need to add it as a source to your Gemfile.
Bundler 1.7.0 and above
In newer bundler versions, you can scope specific gems to a source, like so:
# Gemfile # Note: It's recommended you add the official source, unless your # packagecloud repository can meet all of the dependency requirements in the Gemfile. source "" source "" do gem "my-gem" gem "another-gem" end
Legacy versions of Bundler
Older versions of Bundler have several bugs around scoping gems to a single source using blocks, so you'll have to add the source globally at the top of the Gemfile.
# Gemfile source "" source ""
To install python packages from this repository, you'll need to add the repository as a source to pip.
Add the repository to pip
Add the repository to the [global]
section in your ~/.pip/pip.conf
[global] extra-index-url=
Note: if you would like pip to use only this repository as a source, replace extra-index-url
with index-url
VirtualEnv / requirements.txt
Add the repository to your VirtualEnv
Ensure you are running the latest version of pip inside your virtualenv:
my_virtualenv/bin/pip install --upgrade pip
Add this to the bottom of your requirements.txt
Note: if you would like pip to use only this repository as a source, replace extra-index-url
with index-url
If you're looking for further clarification on anything, don't hesitate to get in touch!
Chef Cookbook
If you use chef to manage your infrastructure, you're in luck! We maintain a cookbook that makes it really easy to get up and running.
Using Berkshelf to manage your cookbooks? Depend on our cookbook like this:
cookbook "packagecloud"
If you're managing your cookbooks some other way, you can get our cookbook from or github.
Once you have our cookbook installed, all you have to do to install this repo is add the following block to one of your recipes:
packagecloud_repo "willgarcia/start-stop-daemon" do type "deb" # or "rpm" or "gem" end
The LWRP in our cookbook will determine what OS/Version you're on and setup the repository correctly for that particular node. It will also contact our installation API to issue a read token, and make sure our gpg key gets installed if necessary.
Puppet Module
If you use puppet to manage your infrastructure, you're in luck! We maintain a module that makes it really easy to get up and running.
You can get our module on Puppet Forge or on GitHub.
To get this repo installed, you just need to add the following to one of your manifests:
include packagecloud packagecloud::repo { "willgarcia/start-stop-daemon": type => 'rpm', # or "deb" or "gem" }
The module will determine what OS/Version you're on and setup the repository correctly for that particular node. It will also contact our installation API to issue a read token, and make sure our gpg key gets installed if necessary.
Using Bundler and packagecloud
Add the repository to your Gemfile
To install gems from this repository, you'll need to add it as a source to your Gemfile.
Bundler 1.7.0 and above
In newer bundler versions, you can scope specific gems to a source, like so:
# Gemfile # Note: It's recommended you add the official source, unless your # packagecloud repository can meet all of the dependency requirements in the Gemfile. source "" source "" do gem "my-gem" gem "another-gem" end
Legacy versions of Bundler
Older versions of Bundler have several bugs around scoping gems to a single source using blocks, so you'll have to add the source globally at the top of the Gemfile.
# Gemfile source "" source ""
Using VirtualEnv and packagecloud
Add the repository to your VirtualEnv
Ensure you are running the latest version of pip inside your virtualenv:
my_virtualenv/bin/pip install --upgrade pip
Add this to the bottom of your requirements.txt
Note: if you would like pip to use only this repository as a source, replace extra-index-url
with index-url
Using Maven with Packagecloud
Add the repository to Maven
Add this to the top level of your pom.xml
<repositories> <repository> <id>willgarcia-start-stop-daemon</id> <url></url> <releases> <enabled>true</enabled> </releases> <snapshots> <enabled>true</enabled> </snapshots> </repository> </repositories>
Using Leiningen with Packagecloud
Add the repository to Leiningen
Add this entry to the top-level of your project.clj
:repositories [["snapshots" ""] ["releases" ""]]
Using SBT with Packagecloud
Add the repository to SBT
For SNAPSHOT support (needs SBT 0.13.8 or above), create or append the following to a project/maven.sbt
file in your project:
Then, add this entry anywhere in your build.sbt
resolvers += "willgarcia-start-stop-daemon" at ""
Using Gradle with Packagecloud
Add the repository to Gradle
Add this entry anywhere in your build.gradle
repositories { maven { url "" } }