Install the package
sudo apt-get install vmod-querystring=
QueryString module for Varnish Cache
Full description: QueryString module for Varnish Cache The purpose of this module is to give you a fine-grained control over a URL's query-string in Varnish Cache. It's possible to remove the query-string, clean it, sort its parameters or filter it to only keep a subset of them. This can greatly improve your hit ratio and efficiency with Varnish, because by default two URLs with the same path but different query-strings are also different. This is what the RFCs mandate but probably not what you usually want for your web site or application. A query-string is just a character string starting after a question mark in a URL. But in a web context, it is usually a structured key/values store encoded with the `application/x-www-form-urlencoded' media type. This module deals with this kind of query-strings.
MD5 | 54643fd874103aa23dc8b679c375a527 |
SHA1 | 5b81667ab85b12899b7ea58bfbf2eee35bb84563 |
SHA256 | d83e3b33c7fbca33e36257634ece9198f2bdbd568a8675a478f4d35fcb2ce212 |
SHA512 | 568525e0ad9667d4c6595639606d0c1ab5372924b3a4b75d3951b7c755e00136257512785e0da61b3ac779bb7ab1413ef94cbcbe5fe7835f8c30d862436f0345 |
- varnish (= 7.5.0-1~noble), libc6 (>= 2.17)
- /usr/share/man/man3/vmod_querystring.3.gz
- /usr/share/doc/vmod-querystring/LICENSE
- /usr/share/doc/vmod-querystring/copyright
- /usr/share/doc/vmod-querystring/CONTRIBUTORS
- /usr/share/doc/vmod-querystring/changelog.gz
- /usr/share/doc/vmod-querystring/CHANGELOG
- /usr/lib/varnish/vmods/libvmod_querystring.so
- /usr/lib/varnish/vmods/libvmod_querystring.la
5 months agoPackage Size
15.1 KBInstalled Size
87.9 KBDownloads
wget --content-disposition "https://packagecloud.io/varnishplus/varnish-oss-bundle/packages/ubuntu/noble/vmod-querystring_2.0.3.1_arm64.deb/download.deb?distro_version_id=284"